The Unexpected Messiah
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Zechariah 12: 10–11; 13:1 / Psalm 63:2b / Galatians 3: 26–29 / Luke 9:18–24
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
The apostles were probably not all that different from the other members of their families or their friends. They were not very different from the other Jews of their day. Indeed, given the expectations and hopes we have for our own leaders today, we would not have answered Jesus much differently. They were waiting for the Messiah to come, and once he came, life would be good again.
They expected the Messiah (which means “Anointed One”) to come in power and might; a liberator like Moses, who led God’s people out of slavery; a great king like David, who brought the people of the divided northern and southern kingdoms into one nation. How wonderful would this new era be, ushered in by such a Messiah!
Imagine their surprise when Jesus rebukes Peter for saying that he is “The Christ [Messiah] of God” (9:20). Greater their surprise when Jesus goes on to say that he must suffer greatly, be rejected by their religious leaders, and be killed— but also be raised from death on the third day (9:22). It is fair to wonder if, in their shock, they even heard the part about being raised. The ultimate stunning news, however, would have been that to follow their Messiah, they must be willing to deny themselves, taking up their crosses every day.
A person like this Messiah would not get a lot of votes, even today. But it is through faith in Christ Jesus, Anointed One of God, that we have become children of God. And so we are called, as Paul tells us, to clothe ourselves with Christ (Galatians 3:27), another way of saying “Take up your cross, every day.”
- If Jesus asked you “Who do you say that I am?” what would your answer be?
- In what ways does daily life call upon you to take up your cross? What form does this command take in the life of the whole Church?
Responding to the Word
Jesus Christ, our Messiah, let us be clothed with your risen glory, as each day we walk with you, carrying the cross that life calls on us to bear. Increase our faith in you; help us to know your gracious loving presence with us always.