Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Job’s words remind us how weariness, heaviness of heart, sadness, can sweep  over us at times and lodge bone-deep. All of our work seems little more than  “drudgery.” Sometimes these feelings are inexplicable; at other times the loss of  a loved one, a sudden change in our lives, the discovery of a serious illness can be the cause. 

This second half of a day in the life of Jesus shows us his response to those  things that weigh people down, whether it is an illness afflicting the loved one of  a disciple, or strangers who were ill or possessed by demons. Jesus responds to  those brought before him, curing and driving out many demons. He is the compassion of God present to the people who come to him. 

Jesus obviously spent the whole day meeting the needs of the people, long  into the evening. Then, perhaps he sat up with Simon and Andrew, James and  John, talking with them about what had happened, listening to how this coming of  the kingdom of God into their world was affecting them. Then he slept. 

We are told that he woke early and went off to a deserted place to pray. This  must be how he got the strength to go into another day. As Simon says, “Everyone  is looking for you”—whether to thank him or to ask for one more favor we don’t  know. But Jesus says it is time to move on, to preach and free others from  demons.  


  • Consider how important prayer was for Jesus, so he could keep on  doing what he understood as his mission in life. 
  • Do you have a balanced life: work and prayer, time with family,  friends, and sleep? 

Responding to the Word

Lord Jesus, you came to show us the face of your Father, who wishes us to be  fully alive in the Spirit. Give us the health we need to do the work you have called  us to do. Help us to see clearly what our life needs to be open to you and your  Father’s will. Amen.

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