Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Crushed by the torment of his own situation, Job bemoans the harshness  of life itself. It is like hard military service, or like the life of a hireling who has  nothing to say about the conditions of work, or like the situation of a slave who  is totally dependent upon the slaveholder. These metaphors both describe the  tribulations of life and express the helplessness that is experienced in it. Job has  nowhere to turn. Life seems to be armed against him and there is neither defense  nor escape. So many circumstances are beyond human control, and Job feels  helpless in the face of it. It is no wonder that he cries out.  

Preaching was the reason Paul was called to follow Christ. In his eyes, he  deserved no special credit for this, and therefore he had no grounds for boasting. The issue was not if Paul preached, but how he preached. There were times  when he waived his right to financial support and he preached free of charge. He  seems to have preferred preaching at no cost, for then he would be beholden to no one and would be able to preach the gospel without being concerned about  offending his audience. Still, Paul was willing to conform himself to others without  compromising the gospel.  

The Gospel reading recounts Jesus’ healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Jesus  exercises unique authority over the powers of death. The person released from  this power then goes about ministering to others. Other healings and exorcisms  follow. These two works are connected. The principal message of Jesus’ preach 

ing is the long-awaited establishment of the reign of God. However, before God’s  reign can take firm root and thrive, the reign of evil must be dislodged and cast  out. Jesus’ fame so spreads that he is compelled to flee to a solitary place to pray.  The reading ends with a statement that condenses the entire ministry of Jesus  into preaching and driving out demons. 

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