A Feast for Searchers
The Epiphany of the Lord
Isaiah 60:1–6 / Psalm 72:11 / Ephesians 3: 2–3a, 5–6 / Matthew 2: 1–12
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
“If there weren’t any Wise Men, there should have been,” a spiritual mentor once told me. This was at a time when a story’s truth was equated with its being factual. The story of the Wise Men is true, whether it is factual in its details or not. From the beginning of time, there have been those who have been searching for “truth” or “light” or other divine signals. This journey often begins when something in our world catches the attention of those looking up or out from themselves, glimpsing a “star” beckoning.
The truth behind the story of the Wise Men affirms that God sends out signals for searchers to pick up on and move further down the road that will take them to God. Sometimes we might get lost for a while, our internal GPS ceasing to function because we have made a sudden turn or gone past a suggested turn-off. But, then, in a moment of grace, we hear a welcome “recalculating,” and we are off on our way once again.
Even when “darkness covers the earth and thick clouds cover the peoples,” the One we are searching for is present, and will not let us go off the trail completely—at least not for long, and eventually, in “God’s good time,” we will find our way. The light will return and the Lord’s glory will shine upon all seekers and searchers—even some not much interested in seeking or searching. These, especially, are the ones the Son of Man came to save.
- Are you a searcher, a seeker after “something”? Can you name it?
- Have you had any experience of “finding God,” or “coming to Christ”?
- Have you ever been a “star” for another?
Responding to the Word
Jesus, send the guiding light we all need to find you. Sometimes there is only darkness and we grow tired, frightened, even hopeless. Be with us then and bring us to that place where you can be found. We pray with St. John Henry Newman: “Lead, kindly Light, amidst th’encircling gloom. Lead thou me on!” Amen.