A House of Living Stones

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Over the years several television shows have focused on rebuilding and reshaping houses. For over thirty years PBS’s This Old House has offered tips on repairing  homes. More recently, Extreme Makeover takes a team into someone’s home and  transforms it to meet the serious needs of its occupants, often dealing with health  or disability issues or trying to serve the larger community in some way. 

From the beginning the church has been imagined as a house of living stones,  built on Jesus Christ, a dwelling place where people come for shelter and sustenance, where they can set down their burdens and find comfort and consolation before being sent back out in the world to make it a better place to live. 

The risen Christ is truly one who offers an “extreme makeover.” He can be trusted to shape us into a dwelling place where the Spirit of the Lord takes up  permanent residence, bringing gifts to benefit the world. From the beginning there have been challenges for those who form the church, and an ongoing need  for renovation to meet the needs of the time. 

Our efforts to make the church a home where love, mercy, justice, and peace  will be found should lead us to build more firmly on Jesus our cornerstone. When  the time comes, the home he promised to prepare for us and take us to should  be easily recognizable. It should not be that much different from the church we  have been living in all our lives. 


  • What does it mean to be a community of “living stones”? 
  • What are the “works” that Jesus empowers us to do, perhaps even greater than what he did? 

Responding to the Word

We pray the Lord to give us confidence to trust in his word that he has gone to prepare a permanent dwelling place for us, where we will be with him and all  those who have gone ahead of us. We pray that this assurance may strengthen us to live as if we were already there.

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