Scripture Study for

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Today’s scriptures observe tension within the early Christian community. Both  the Greek-speakers and Hebrew-speakers were probably Jewish-Christians, separated by language rather than by religious background. At issue is some practical matter, not a point of doctrine. Peter does not stand as sole leader. Rather, the entire group of apostles, known as the Twelve, addresses the problem. Besides this collegiality, the community practiced subsidiarity, for the community select ed men to exercise the ministry. The diversity that accompanied the growth of  the community both enriched it and was the cause of the tension described here. 

The second reading characterizes Christ as a living stone and describes  Christians as living stones as well. The stone is living because of who Christ is and  not because of what he does. When “living” describes Christians, it refers to the  life that is theirs because of their relationship with Christ. As cornerstone, Christ  is the underpinning of the building, the church. This stone is sometimes considered the capstone, the stone that holds the two pillars of an arch together. This  passage clearly related the way they understand Christ and how they understand  the church. 

Jesus seeks to strengthen his followers who are troubled at the thought of his  departure. He urges them to trust. He does not focus on the end of his life, only on the joyful events that will follow it. He leaves to prepare a place for the others  with God. The passage is open to both an apocalyptic and a mystical interpretation. In the first, he is referring to his return at the end of time; in the second, he is alluding to the indwelling of his spirit enjoyed in this life by those united with  him. Neither Thomas nor Philip fully understands what he means. Jesus ends his  discourse with a promise that those who believe in him will be able to perform  deeds that are even more wondrous than those he has performed. 

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