Scripture Study for

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Today’s first reading is an oracle of appointment, a personal message to the  prophet himself. Ezekiel is called to be a watchman. He is entrusted with keeping watch over the entire house of Israel. He fulfills this role when he proclaims  God’s words of warning, and God will hold him responsible if he does not protect  the people by means of his proclamation. The wording of the oracle implies that  there is still time for the people. The sinner can still be called back from sin.  However, in a very real sense this all depends upon the prophet’s fidelity to his  call to be watchman. 

Paul tells the Christians of Rome that on the one hand they should owe nothing, while on the other hand they should owe everything, for love requires total  self-giving. The debt of love is not an obligation that can be paid once for all. It  is more like interest for which we are always liable. Love will take different forms,  depending upon circumstances. When we truly love others, we desire only what  is good for those we love. Following the teaching of Jesus, the love that Paul  exhorts is to be extended to all people without exception. According to Paul,  love is the fulfillment of the law. 

Reconciliation within the community is such a pressing concern that its maintenance is a matter of church discipline. The Gospel reading describes the procedure to be followed in achieving it. The importance of the community in this  process is apparent. First, it is the entire group of disciples, not merely its leader,  that exercises disciplinary power. Second, Jesus declares that any agreement  arrived at by two members of this group will be heard. He is not here talking  about prayer in general, but prayer for guidance in coming to a decision that will  affect the community’s well-being. Jesus promises to be present in his church if  the members turn to him for guidance. 

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