A Life-changing Question

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Certain questions change lives, depending on our answer: “Do you take this  person to be your husband/wife?” “Do you want this job?” “Can you forgive me?”  The question Jesus asks today is one that certainly changes lives. Our response is  not simply an academic exercise, a matter of knowing the right answer we learned  from a book. Our answer must lead to a commitment that is to be lived out each  day of our lives. 

Peter’s answer certainly changed the course of his life. Jesus recognized that  it was not Peter’s innate knowledge, or that of any other person, that had given  Peter his response: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” It was the  Father. And so Jesus declares that Peter will be the one to lead the other disciples and all who would come after. Simon, son of John, fisherman, husband,  brother—and one who would deny he ever knew Christ!—he was to be the rock  on which Jesus would build the church. His response was life-changing. 

Peter’s answer was not a perfect one, as we shall see next week. Even so, Jesus  accepts it as an indication that his Father is at work in those called to be with him  who would continue his work. The Father chose to work in fallible human beings.  We may not think of ourselves as rocks, but the future of the church depends on  how well each one of us lives out the answer to this question, “Who do you say  that I am?” 


  • Who do you say Jesus is? 
  • Do you recognize Jesus as one who embodies the wisdom and  knowledge of God? 
  • How does your answer to Jesus’ question show up in the way you  live? 

Responding to the Word

We pray that our loving Father will bring us to a deeper knowledge and under standing of his Son Jesus. We ask that this understanding will lead to a deeper  commitment on our part to the work of Jesus to bring about in our own day the  reign of God in our world.

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