A Little Salt, a Little Light, a Lotta Difference
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 58:7–10 / Psalm 112:4a / 1 Corinthians 2:1–5 / Matthew 5:13–16
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
One of the most common advertising strategies is showing what you can look like after you purchase a certain product or follow a particular program: a more pleasing shape, greater muscle definition, blemish-free skin, silkier hair, and so on. Jesus today offers two images to his disciples, salt and light, indicating what they can be if they follow his teachings. In both instances the benefits go to others.
Salt was important in Jesus’ time for preserving meat and for bringing out the taste of food. Its usefulness depends on its interacting with something else. When it doesn’t interact, it is useless. So, too, if a follower does not live in the world as a child of the kingdom, the world will be bland.
And not only that, but also blind, unable to glimpse God’s presence here and now. The disciples must show themselves to the world as followers of Jesus, rooted like him in the law and the prophets. With so much darkness due to hatred, cruelty, and greed, the disciple who shares bread with the hungry, helps shelter the homeless, clothes the naked, and does not live indifferent to the needs of others, will truly be salt and light.
In the coming weeks, we will continue to hear the Sermon on the Mount, a compilation of teachings that Matthew has collected to give us the program we are to follow so that the world may catch a glimpse now and again of the reign of God.
- Do you see ways in which you can bring savor and light to the world?
- Do you recognize that Jesus is calling the church as a community of believers to dispel the darkness and gloom?
Responding to the Word
Pray that God will help you to recognize the gifts given to you and your community for the good of others. We also ask God to give us the humility not to feel threatened by the gifts of others, but to rejoice in them and encourage their use.