Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Some years ago there was a series of books called A Day in the Life of . . . .  Sometimes it was a continent like Africa; sometimes a country like America, the  Soviet Union, or Thailand; and sometimes a state like Hawaii or California. One  hundred top photographers visually captured the experience of this place in a  twenty-four-hour period. In today’s and next Sunday’s Gospels, Mark verbally  gives us “A Day in the Life of Jesus, God’s Prophet.” 

The first experience of Jesus as one whose word effects what he says occurs  in the synagogue. Here Jesus encounters an unclean spirit. The spirit makes the  first move, naming Jesus as the Holy One of God. In biblical thought, naming a  person gave you some degree of power over that person. Not here. With a few  quick words, Jesus asserts his authority: “Quiet! Come out of him!” 

How fitting that Jesus’ first public act in the first Gospel to be written down is to  free a human being from an evil spirit that has brought him chaos and destruction.  This event reveals Jesus as one who came to free us from all that oppresses and  beats us down. This liberation continues to be the work of all who follow Jesus. 

We don’t hear much about evil spirits these days, but can anyone deny their  presence in our world? Consider the murder, mutilation, rape, and torture that  have taken place in eastern Congo alone for the last twelve years with an estimated death toll of 6.9 million. Change is impossible without God’s help. 


  • Do you believe evil spirits continue to dwell in the human heart? • Does this mean we are not responsible but that “the devil makes us do it”? 
  • Does this Gospel offer any hope to people today in the face of so  much suffering and death in the world? 

Responding to the Word

Jesus, you are revealed as one who has the power to cast out evil spirits who  take up residence in our hearts. May your liberating word free us from all that  brings harm, and may we work to bring your healing spirit to touch our world.  Amen.

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