Scripture Study for

The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Often referred to as the Aaronic priestly blessing, the reading from Numbers  illustrates various roles, one played by Moses and another played by Aaron and  the priests. YHWH, the personal name of God, is repeated three times, demonstrating the power of that name. God is called on to bless with good fortune and  to keep from harm; to look favorably toward and to be gracious toward; to look  upon and to grant peace. These petitions all ask for the same thing, namely, the  blessings that make life worth living. However, they are really all asking for peace,  the condition of absolute well-being. 

Christ’s mission in the world is the major focus of Paul’s teaching. “The designated time” refers to that time in history when God brought the messianic  expectations to fulfillment by sending the Son into the world. Referring to Christ  as God’s Son establishes his divine nature; acknowledging that he was born of a  woman establishes his human nature. The Christology in this passage is rich and  complex. Paul contrasts servitude under the law with freedom in Christ. Still, his  attitude toward the law is really not negative. He sees it as a necessary guardian  that carefully watches over minors until they are mature enough to take care of  themselves.  

The Gospel narrative is set within the context of the family. However, the focus  is really on the observance of religious practices. Circumcision was the ritual  that initiated the males into the community of Israel. As observant Jews, Mary  and Joseph fulfilled all of the prescriptions of the law, seeing that the child was  circumcised as custom dictated. This was also the time of naming. The child is  given the name told to Mary by the angel at the time of his conception. Most of  what the angel had announced has now come to pass. But we all will have to wait  to see how her son will acquire the throne of his father David and rule the house  of Jacob forever. 

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