Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

In Bill Davis’ play Mass Appeal, the young deacon complains about the parish  where he grew up, where the “hippy dippy hymn committee” selected “Leaving  on a Jet Plane” for the feast of the Ascension. The young deacon did not find it  appropriate for the dignity of the event being celebrated. To say the least, it rendered insipid what should be a feast of profound relevance. 

Today’s feast continues the celebration of the paschal mystery of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection, and return to the Father. It is not just an “after thought” feast, a bringing down of the curtain on Jesus’ life and ministry on earth.  We celebrate Jesus’ return to the Father to intercede for us and to make possible  the sending of the Spirit for the continuation of God’s plan of salvation for all  people, now taken up by the church under the direction of this same Spirit. 

Luke’s account of the Ascension places emphasis on the work yet to be done— witnessing to Jesus “to the ends of the earth.” This is further highlighted when the  two men in white garments suddenly appear after Jesus is taken up and removed  from their sight. “Why are you standing there looking up at the sky?” they ask.  Time to get moving. 

Mark’s account has Jesus sending them out to “proclaim the gospel to every  creature,” and promises that great signs will accompany them. Mark’s final word  affirms that “the Lord worked with them.” 


  • Do you understand the feast of the Ascension only as Jesus’ returning to the Father or do you see its connection with the ongoing life  and ministry of the Church? 
  • How does Christ continue to work with us? Are we meant to take  literally Jesus’ words about being able to pick up serpents and drink  deadly poison and heal the sick? 

Responding to the Word

Jesus, you ascended to the right hand of the Father to intercede for us and to  work with us until we are united with you in heaven. Help us to make good use  of the gifts you have given for building up your body, the Church, and for making  you known throughout the world.

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