A Second Chance?
Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 7:7–11 / Psalm 90:14 / Hebrews 4:12–13 / Mark 10:17–30 [17–27]
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
It is 36 A.D. A man sits at the table, and amuses himself with his coins. He likes the way they gleam in the morning sunshine when he pours them from one hand into the other. His wife came by just now. She burst in the door to tell him about all the healings that Jesus’ disciples are doing.
He remembers that day. He had answered the questions correctly. Jesus had looked at him with love. He had felt so good inside, so happy to be approved by the Master. Then the man had said, “Go, sell all you have, give to the poor and then come, follow me.” But he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. He is still heavy of heart about that.
When she raves about how wonderful the apostles are, Peter this, John that . . . over and over again . . . Could he have been one of the Twelve? He could be working miracles now. But no. He keeps flipping his coins, thinking.
Jesus’s eyes: that look of love still haunts him. Might there have been a second chance for him? If the man asked again, now, would he go? Not with the son of the carpenter—for they had killed him.
“I am a good man,” he objects. “Is it my fault that my father was wealthy, even holding property in Cyprus? I have followed the commandments all my life.” Is it impossible for a rich man to enter into heaven?
He hears that voice: “Follow me.” He sees that love in his eyes. The sun is going down. He stands. He calls his wife, “Come!” The apostles are talking about there being so many people, so many needs, and what are they to do? The man kneels down before them as he had once knelt before Jesus. He lays his bags of coins at their feet.
Peter recognizes him from that day, and rushes over. “Welcome home! Thank you! You have heartened us today!”
- If Jesus asked you to leave everything that you have right now, how would you respond? To what might you cling most closely? House or brother or sisters or mother or father or children or lands . . . What treasure gleams more brightly than Jesus?
- Like today’s account, sometimes a Gospel story just seems to need a sequel. There are lots of biblical people we never hear from again. Whatever happened to the twelve-year-old girl whom Jesus raised? What about the little boy who brought Jesus the loaves and the fishes? What happened to Simon’s mother-in-law—what kind of life did she end up with? Let your imagination play with one of those secondary biblical characters. Or write your own story. Does Jesus give people a second chance? Or a third? Or a fourth?
Living and Praying with the Word
Lord, you have filled us with your love. You never stop calling us to follow you, to leave behind that which holds us back, to prefer you before all else. Help us to measure prosperity aright, for you prosper the work of our hands. Immerse us at daybreak with your kindness. Satisfy us at sunset with your peace. We give this day to you.