A Shepherd’s Heart

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Recently I heard some statistics that said for every person coming into the  Catholic Church, four are leaving it. It is estimated that 33 percent of those baptized Catholic already have left. This is staggering news. Where are they going?  Some join other churches; others just drift away. Why do they leave? Different  reasons are given, but many said they left because they were not being nourished spiritually. 

In the Gospel the disciples have returned from their work of preaching and  casting out demons. They brought many stories back with them, telling about  all that had happened, all that God had done through them. Jesus noticed they  were tired, so he invited them for a rest, a little “R and R.” But when they arrived  at their destination, they discovered that a huge crowd had followed them there. 

Mark presents Jesus as one whose “heart was moved with pity for them, for  they were like sheep without a shepherd.” And so he began to teach them. Jesus  is a good shepherd, in contrast to the religious leaders Jeremiah speaks of. The  religious leaders of his day made God angry. “Woe” is the equivalent of “Damn  you.” And for good reason: they were misleading the people, causing them to  scatter. 

Every age has had its bad shepherds as well as the good ones who have  served faithfully. Today more than ever we need good shepherds, as many of  those who have served faithfully for years are no longer in active ministry. 


  • Is God refusing to send good shepherds to lead the people, or are  there other reasons for the lack of clergy in the United States?
  • Have you ever considered inviting someone to contemplate a vocation to ordination or professed religious life? 

Responding to the Word

God, you spoke through Jeremiah, saying you would appoint shepherds to  care for your people. In your Son Jesus you gave us a shepherd who laid down  his life for us. Answer our need today for shepherds who will be faithful servants,  shepherding with compassion and perseverance. 

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