A Window on Widows

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

My earliest memory of a widow was Aunt Lizzie: white-haired, seemingly very  old, but kindly. (I was four, so she was probably in her sixties then—how one’s  perspective on age changes with time!) She lived with my godmother and uncle,  having contributed some of her savings to help them buy a house. My second  memory was of Lana Turner playing The Merry Widow in the 1952 movie of the  same name. Both were light years away, historically and culturally, from the widows in today’s readings. 

The widows in biblical times were imperiled. If they did not have sons who  would care for them, their very lives could be endangered. The widow in the first  reading has a young son; she is collecting sticks to build a fire to prepare the last  of her flour so they can eat and die. When Elijah asks her to prepare a cake for  him, she generously does so—which proves to be her salvation. Later he even  restores her son to life. 

Jesus watches a widow put in her last—literally—two cents in the temple’s  coffers. He has previously warned about the scribes who “devour the houses of  widows” while reciting lengthy prayers. Some say Jesus is lamenting the foolishness of this widow, like the prophets of the past who railed against the neglect  of widows and orphans. But most think he is praising her generosity in giving “all  she had, her whole livelihood.” Like her, Jesus will soon put all his trust in the  Father. 


  • Do you see the widow in the Gospel as foolish, generous, or in  another way? 
  • What would it cost you to put all your trust in the Lord? 

Responding to the Word

God of all, you have called to your people from the time of Moses and through  your prophets past and present, but most especially through your Son, Jesus, to  care for your little ones, for the poor, and the stranger. Help us today to be attentive and active doers of your word.

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