Scripture Study for
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Genesis 18:20–32 / Psalm 138:3a / Colossians 2:12–14 / Luke 11:1–13
Understanding the Word
By Br. John R. Barker, OFM
The negotiation between Abraham and God comes after last week’s scene in which God announces that Sarah will soon bear a son. As Abraham is seeing the visitors on their way, God decides to tell Abraham that judgment is about to be visited on Sodom and Gomorrah, because God has “singled him out that he may direct his children and his household in the future to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is just and right” (18:19). It seems God wants to see how Abraham will respond: with a concern for “what is just and right” or with a relish for divine punishment? Abraham passes with flying colors by showing that he understands the need for the divine response to sin, but he also is concerned (as God is) only to punish as a last resort. Unfortunately, in this case not even a handful of righteous people can be found in the towns.
Just before the beginning of this passage from Colossians, Paul has informed his audience that they have been “circumcised with a circumcision not administered by hand, by stripping off the carnal body, with the circumcision of Christ” (2:11). Circumcision, of course, is the removal of flesh, and for Jews signifies membership in the covenantal relationship with God. By being baptized, Christians receive the equivalent of circumcision by being incorporated into Christ by dying and rising with him. They also have their “flesh” removed, flesh being one of Paul’s favored terms for the aspect of the human person opposed to God’s will. Employing a different metaphor, Paul notes that before they were baptized into Christ, the Colossians were liable to condemnation because of their sins, signified by a “bond” (or charge) against them. This charge has been wiped out in Christ, in whose body it was nailed to the cross.
When Jesus’ disciples ask him to teach them to pray “as John taught his disciples,” they are probably referring to specific prayers he taught them (as opposed to a “method”). Jesus teaches his disciples his own prayer, which is notable for its brevity, simplicity, and directness. The petition that God’s name be “hallowed” is a prayer that all people will revere God’s name and person. Subjection to the final test refers to a period of severe trial, either eschatological or simply persecution of the sort Jesus warns about regularly. In either case, the prayer is for perseverance in time of trial. The following sayings of Jesus highlight the need for perseverance in prayer also, as God’s ways are rarely clear. God is, however, always faithful and will bestow what we need, including especially the Holy Spirit, the gift of God’s own self.