Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

I recall a blue sky, a hot grassy field at Sand Run field, and a  dozen twelve- to thirteen-year-old boys in their red WASA soccer  jerseys. “Out on the field,” I called to the team. “Sure, Coach,” a  short-haired athletic boy yelled out as he jogged toward the goal.  A bigger lad stood by the sideline with his arms crossed. He didn’t  move. He didn’t look at me. His body language exuded “No.” What  was I supposed to do? “Please? We want you out there.” He looked  me in the eye, shrugged, and lumbered onto the field. 

As the season went on, the first “willing” player was skilled and  he let the other twelve-year-olds know that he was good—and that  he didn’t feel that he could learn anything from me about soccer. He  didn’t get any better. 

The second “unwilling” player endured ridicule for being a little  chunky and a little slow, but he paid attention. He had never played  soccer before. But he learned. He got better. He never became a  soccer legend, but he was a delight to coach. 

Sometimes we may be tempted to get a little spiritually cocky. We  know that we are loved. We know that we matter. We may be the  first to jog out onto the field. 

But sometimes we avoid looking God in the eye because we don’t  think that we quite measure up. “Nah, I don’t really think so,” may  be our response when someone tells us, “God loves you.” How could  God be pleased with us? Want a relationship with us? Care about us? 

Coachability—it makes all the difference. Jesus told the Pharisees  that “tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of  God before you.” The Lord wasn’t looking for the perfect. He was  looking for the coachable.


  • When is it hard to “look God in the eye”? In what ways do you (or do you  not) feel that you have to be perfect in order to measure up to God? 
  • Have you ever felt like you told God, “No”? What happened when that  turned around to “Yes”? In what ways would you hope to be more  coachable? 

Living and Praying with the Word 

Lord, I’m tired. I don’t want to pray. I want to go to bed. I want  to curl up under the comforter and shut the world out. What’s that  you say? You want my “no” to be “yes”? You’ll be listening to my  breathing? Counting the hairs on my head? Moving within me even  when I sleep? Oh. Okay. Well, come on then, let’s pray.

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