Scripture Study for

Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of The Lord

Understanding the Word

By Br. John R. Barker, OFM

Peter’s speech occurs within the story of Cornelius (Acts 10).  Summoned by the Romans, Peter gives all those gathered in his house the gospel “in a nutshell”: Jesus was anointed by God to preach and to heal, especially those “oppressed by the devil” (including those bound by the power of sin). Despite his good deeds, Jesus was crucified, but then was raised from the dead. Now he has sent others to carry on his mission of preaching and forgiving sin, freeing those in bondage to its power. As if to give divine confirmation to the mission to the Gentiles, the Holy Spirit comes upon Peter’s audience,  who are baptized, the first Gentile converts to the Way. 

Colossians reminds us that the resurrection of Christ, while a unique event, is not isolated, but in fact has brought about a new order in the cosmos, in which the baptized are called to participate in Christ. Like Christ, they have died to earthly things, those aspects of the world that are opposed to Christ. Now “raised,” believers actually live “above” with Christ, and must act accordingly. When Christ appears again, this new life, now “hidden” (accessible only by faith), will be revealed in all its glory. In the meantime, though hidden it offers the baptized a new perspective and new way of living that must be manifest in earthly conduct. 

When Mary Magdalene sees the empty tomb, she thinks at first that perhaps Jesus’ body has been stolen. The Evangelist spends some time, however, describing the empty linens, something thieves would not take the time to leave behind. We remember that when  Lazarus (who would die again) was raised, he came forward in his linens. Jesus, who will not die again, has left the linens, like death itself, behind. When the Beloved Disciple sees the empty tomb and the linens, he “believes” that Jesus has been raised from the dead and not stolen, but he does not yet fully comprehend the meaning of the  Resurrection. Understanding only comes when one encounters the resurrected Lord.

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