Destination 2—The Mountain

Second Sunday of Lent

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Lent is an invitation to journey more deeply into the heart of God. What God  asks of Abram is a willingness to trust that God will lead him. Abram is called  from the very beginning to place his trust in the Lord and in the Lord’s promises. We are told that Abram is seventy years old at the time he goes forth. I  remember someone remarking, “Imagine coming in the house and saying to your  wife, ‘Honey, we have to pack up and go I know not where.’ ” We are told simply:  “Abram went as the Lord directed him” (Genesis 12:4a). Abram’s faith translates into trust that God is leading him.

Jesus brought the three apostles up a high mountain. Mountains often served  as the meeting place of God and the prophets—Moses and Elijah come to mind.  When Jesus and the three reach their destination, Jesus is transformed before them, face and clothes shining. Suddenly Moses and Elijah are talking with him.  You can understand Peter wanting to stay there. But this is not journey’s end. That  will happen on a hill outside Jerusalem. For now, they hear words meant also for us this day: “This is my beloved Son . . . listen to him” (Matthew 17:5). 

We are asked to journey with Jesus for forty days—sometimes it may be into  the desert of testing, sometimes up a mountain for a moment of blinding clarity.  In both places we know Jesus as the beloved Son who trusts in the Father’s will.  Lent invites us to make that same journey into trusting the Father. 


  • Have you had a “mountain experience” when you came to know  Jesus as God’s beloved Son? Was your reaction similar to that of  Peter, who did not want it to end? 
  • How is God calling you to trust? How is God calling you to listen to  Jesus? 

Responding to the Word

God has called us to a holy life (1 Timothy 1:9). This week, as we journey with  Jesus into the presence of the Father, listen for how the Father may be speaking  to you now. Ask God to open your ears and eyes to recognize the beloved Son’s presence.

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