Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Every so often when I am driving, I see that old bumper sticker calling us to commit random acts of kindness. Good advice in light of the story of the Last Judgment.  Did you notice that the story makes no mention of many of the sins we usually  worry about as the basis for the Last Judgment? This is not to say such things don’t  matter. But the emphasis here has to do with getting out there and responding to  people really in need, basic needs relating to hunger, thirst, being a stranger—an  unwelcome immigrant? (that one is certainly ripped from today’s headlines!)— lacking clothes, needing health care (another relevant one), and being imprisoned. 

While it is always interesting to watch other people being judged, it is not  something most of us enjoy experiencing ourselves—especially when it comes  to evaluating our moral lives. It is much easier to think of Jesus as the forgiving,  compassionate, tender shepherd who is out there looking for us than as the one  who comes in glory to judge and separate out the goats and the lambs. Who wants  to be counted among the goats? 

So, pick your area that will help you to be counted among the sheep. Food distribution, environmental concerns, immigration reform, clothing—include here  those nets that can save lives threatened by various issues surrounding health  care, or prison reform. Perhaps you thought this was one of those quaint stories  Jesus tells that seem so long ago and far away. The last we hear from the Gospel  of Matthew for this year invites your participation—now. The reason? When you  do something for them, you do it for him. 


  • Have you had any experiences of being judged that proved helpful?
  • Can you bring together images of Jesus as both shepherd and judge?
  • Can you hear in today’s Gospel an invitation to a fuller life? 

Responding to the Word

We pray with confidence to the Father to whom all things will be handed over  by Christ, the new Adam, through whom we have become children of the king dom. We ask the Spirit to teach us to recognize the freedom that comes from sub jecting ourselves to God’s rule and serving, as Christ served, those most in need.

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