Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

In The Secret Life of Bees, August, an older black woman, is talking about “the  problem with people” to Lily, a younger white woman who has run away from  an abusive father. Lily has said that people don’t really know what matters. But  August says the deeper problem is that people do know what matters, but don’t  choose it. 

God tells Ezekiel that virtue’s proof is in choosing to do the right thing. What  you choose to do matters. So be careful not to go off the right path at the end of  your days. On the other hand, you might be off the right path for years, but end  up hopping back on at the very end, and you will have life. It doesn’t sound very  fair; nevertheless, it’s where you are when the end comes that counts. And you  don’t know when the end will come. 

Jesus confronts the religious leaders with a parable. A father asks his two sons  to do some work in the vineyard. One talks a good game but never makes it  into the field; the other refuses outright, but then goes and does what his father  asked. In telling this parable, Jesus compares these leaders unfavorably to the  tax collectors and prostitutes. The elders must have been shocked. 

 “Have in you that same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus,” writes Paul to his  beloved Philippians. The attitude he urged on them was giving oneself for the  sake of others—even unto death. In this way, we not only speak but also do “Yes.”  Choose to live Christ. 


  • Can you think of a time when you said yes to someone’s request but  did not carry it out? 
  • Do you think of Jesus as one who emptied himself, even of life, trusting his Father to fill him? 
  • How is God calling you to empty yourself at this time, doing “nothing out of selfishness, but regarding others as more important than  yourselves”? 

Responding to the Word

In the Our Father we pray that God will not lead us into temptation but deliver  us from evil. We pray that we will be obedient to the Father’s will to the point of  death so that we will be raised into eternal life and join in the song of exaltation,  confessing Jesus Christ as Lord.

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