Extending Boundaries

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Close ties can enrich life, whether due to blood, loyalty, or faith in God.  However, any close tie can become overly exclusive. “She won’t fit into our family.” “He’s not for our group.” This also happens in God’s family. People want to  draw lines, decide who is “in,” who is “out.” God doesn’t work that way. 

Today we have Joshua upset that the spirit of Moses has been given to two  men who weren’t at the appointed place at the appointed time. Moses, who  knows what it means to be both “in” and “out,” has the wisdom to know that  God will give the spirit to whomever God wishes. Moses was about extending  boundaries. 

The apostle John notices a man casting out demons in Jesus’ name. “We tried  to prevent him because he does not follow us.” “Us?” Jesus asks. “Us? Who  decides who drives out demons? No one who performs a deed in my name can  speak ill of me. Whoever is not against us is for us.” Jesus was about extending  boundaries. 

Human boundaries don’t fence in the Holy Spirit. God’s open arms extend  beyond our imaginations. Isaiah sings, “All the tribes shall go up to worship the  Lord. All nations shall stream to God’s holy mountain.” 

So stretch out your hands in generosity. Give drinks of water to whoever  thirsts. Protect the little ones. The only restrictions concern whatever causes  you to sin and lose the kingdom. Otherwise, expect God to work in unexpected  places, in unexpected people, in unexpected ways. 


  • Have you ever been surprised by God working in someone, some place, in an unexpected way? 
  • Jesus’ words about giving scandal are to be taken very seriously. Do  they speak to your life in any way? 

Responding to the Word

Lord, help us recognize the working of your Spirit in our world. May we see  your hand in anything done to liberate others from oppression and to bring  peace and reconciliation. Never let us bring any of your little ones to harm. And  give true contrition to those who have caused others harm.

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