Getting Prepped
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 6:12–16 / Psalm 63:2b / 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 or 4:13–14 / Matthew 25:1–13
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
At first hearing, there is a worrisome note in this parable Jesus tells near the end of Matthew’s account of his ministry. We like to think of Jesus as the Lord of second chances, even third and fourth, and that we have plenty of time to get our act together and to gather the necessary “oil” to welcome him when he returns. But the bridegroom’s final words are, “I do not know you.”
Is Jesus indicating that a day will come when that opportunity to make up for what we have failed to do will not be given, that the time for springing into action will have come and gone? Could we find ourselves locked out of the party? Since most of us are sometimes foolish, sometimes wise, what form does foolishness take in our lives? What are we putting off doing?
Matthew uses this parable to fire up his community’s desire for the return of the Lord, to call them to a more active hope in Jesus’ return. It also serves to confront indifference and lethargy in our lives. That necessary oil can refer to doing those good works that allow the light to shine in the world, especially when darkness threatens.
Being wise means being prepared for a future with the Lord. Jesus is the Wisdom of God who gives us a share of this wisdom as a gift of the Spirit. Let us both seek wisdom and be prepared to welcome it when it comes to us.
- Do you identify with either the wise or foolish?
- How do you understand the call to “stay awake”?
- Do you consider yourself a person who seeks Wisdom?
Responding to the Word
We pray for the gift of wisdom, to be seekers of wisdom, and that in our seeking, Wisdom will find us. We pray for the virtue of hope, which is grounded in the belief that Jesus will indeed come again, like a bridegroom, like a thief in the night, like the Son of Man in power and glory.