Glimpses of Resurrection

Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of The Lord

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

My grandpa had a hard childhood. My aunt, with whom he lived  in his last decade, said that he never said, “Thank you.” He was a  good man, but not one who smiled often. 

The day before my brother’s wedding in Los Angeles, our  extended family went to Disneyland. My three-year-old daughter  and my grandpa and I went to the merry-go-round. Grandpa said  that he would stand next to my daughter, Maria. I got on the horse  in front of them. An announcement came over the PA: no standing  allowed. The music began to play. The horses started to move.  I turned around to see how they were doing. My grandpa sat on the  dappled gray, going up and down, his arm around that little girl. His  face beamed with childlike joy. 

A few days after my grandpa died, I was driving our van down a  hill. For a brief flash, I sensed him jumping up and down, beaming  with that same innocent joy and shouting, “Thank you, thank you,  thank you, God!” It was totally unlike the somber grandpa I had  known. Was that a glimpse of how heaven had healed him of his  earthly sorrows and invigorated him with new life? I don’t know.  But if so, how radiantly glorious is the Resurrection! 

Mary of Magdala and Peter and John also told of what they had  seen and heard. Did they understand exactly what had happened?  No. But they saw and believed. 

We can gaze at a newborn baby at Christmas. We can stare at the  cross on Good Friday. But can we gaze on the Resurrection? It is too  bright, like staring at the sun immediately after coming outside from  a darkened room. But God gives us glimpses, flashes of resurrection  in everyday life.


  • One glimpse of the Resurrection is a greater jubilation than any earthly  thing. Have you ever had glints or sparkles of the brightness of the  Resurrection?
  • It takes a lifetime to learn to say, “I too will rise.” And though we do not  fully understand it, each day we get closer. Throw your whole self into  celebrating Easter today and let God work miracles in you. Hear the  deafening alleluias of heaven! Jesus is risen!

Living and Praying with the Word 

Jesus, you lay in the darkness of the tomb. Sometimes it feels as  though we live in a drab basement with only a nightlight by which  to see. The darkness of death threatens to engulf us. But this day,  you have taken upon yourself all the wounds of earth. You have  risen from the dead! Like the apostles, we don’t really understand  that. But today, you are alive! You give us hints of your glory, of the  alleluias of heaven. The brilliance of your everlasting day surrounds  us. Give us eyes to see! Give us voices to sing your praise!

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