Scripture Study for

The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

The blessing found in the reading from Numbers is one of the oldest pieces of poetry in the Bible. It is introduced by a statement that gives the content of the blessing both Mosaic and divine legitimacy. To know God’s personal name, YHWH, presumes a kind of intimacy. The blessing itself is crisp and direct. Each line invokes a personal divine action: that God bless with good fortune and keep from harm, look favorably toward and be gracious, look upon and grant peace.  Though these invocations might be realized in different things for different people at different times, they all ask for peace. 

According to Paul, the goal of Christ’s mission was to transform the Galatians from being slaves under the law to being adopted children of God. His attitude toward the law is not as negative as it appears at first glance. Here it is a necessary guardian that carefully watches over minors until they are mature enough to take care of themselves. Though the law is inferior to the Spirit of Christ, it is faithful and trustworthy. However, once the Spirit takes hold of the believer,  dependence on the law ends and freedom in the Spirit, the rightful inheritance of the children of God, begins. 

The Gospel reading is the same as that of the Christmas Mass at Dawn.  However, the circumcision and naming of Jesus are included here. This slight difference shifts the focus of the passage away from the shepherds to the child and his parents. As observant Jews, Mary and Joseph fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law; the child was circumcised as custom dictated. Besides being circumcised, the child was given the name earlier told to Mary, the name Jesus, which  means “savior.” Now almost everything that the angel had announced has come to pass. Mary will have to wait to see how he will acquire the throne of his father  David and rule the house of Jacob forever. 

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