God’s Last Word

The Nativity of the Lord - Mass During the Day

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

A recent movie called The Messenger tells the story of two soldiers on duty  to inform next of kin about the death of a loved one in the wars in Iraq and  Afghanistan. It poignantly portrays not only the grief that this word brings to families and loved ones but also the sorrow of those who have to deliver it. 

Today’s readings remind us that both those who deliver and those who receive  the word of God about Jesus are entrusted with something that is lifegiving.  Isaiah’s messenger carries word of a birth that brings joy, hope, and song, so much  so that the very feet that deliver this message are declared blessed. It is not dif 

ficult to see why this reading was chosen for Christmas. 

God’s own Son is the message sent to us in the fullness of time. While God is  portrayed as One who turned to words from the very beginning of creation—“Let  there be light”—and while God continued to speak to Abraham, Moses, and the prophets, this speech was partial and fragmentary, often seeming more like a bad  connection on the receiving end for all it was listened to.

But in Jesus the Word became flesh and took up residence among us, truly one  of us and truly God. The magnificent concerto that is the Prologue of John rings  out in three movements, proclaiming the Word present at Creation as the Word  enfleshed in Jesus of Nazareth, and finally as the Word that continues to be born  in us who by baptism have received a share in his fullness. 


  • What does calling Jesus the Word of God tell me about God? • How does accepting Jesus as God’s Word have an impact on my/our  lives?  

Responding to the Word

We pray that we might first hear the Word that is Jesus, then that we might  understand this Word, and finally that we might live out of our understanding. We  pray that this Word may so imprint itself on our minds and hearts and souls that  when we speak, others hear the spirit of Jesus singing its love song to the world.

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