Scripture Study for

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Contrary to the Marian interpretation captured in many depictions of the  Immaculate Conception, the Genesis story states that it is the offspring of the woman who will have his heel on the serpent’s head, not the woman herself. This part of the story is really about the antagonism that will always exist between human beings and the forces of evil. Human beings will always have to battle temptation. However, this feast that celebrates Mary assures us that, regardless of the cunning nature of temptation, good will ultimately triumph.

Paul insists that the blessing of God comes to us through the agency of Christ. The blessings themselves are distinctively of a spiritual, even cosmic, nature.  First is election in Christ. Though Paul suggests a kind of primordial predestination, there is no sense here that some are predestined for salvation and others are not. The point is that salvation in Christ is not an afterthought; it was in God’s plan from the beginning. The salvation ordained by God through Christ is the cause and not the consequence of righteousness. Adoption, redemption, forgiveness of sin, and the gifts of wisdom and insight are all pure grace, gifts from God,  bestowed on us through Christ.

Mary’s Immaculate Conception sets her apart so that she might miraculously conceive Jesus, the event described in today’s Gospel reading. The opening angelic greeting, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you,” emphatically states her extraordinary dignity. She is here invited to be the vehicle of salvation for God’s people. As in other stories of angelic appearances to women (Hagar, in Genesis  16:7–16; the mother of Samson, Judges 13:2–7), Mary interacts directly with God’s messenger, without the mediation of her father or intended husband. She is not only free of patriarchal restraints; her words show that hers is a free response to  God. The expectations of the past are now being fulfilled; God’s plan is being accomplished through Mary.

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