Scripture Study for
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Genesis 3:9–15, 20 / Psalm 98:1a / Ephesians 1:3–6, 11–12 / Luke 1:26–38
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
The first reading is a story meant to explain the antagonism among human beings as well as the struggle they experience against evil. The story is set in primeval time in order to show that such antagonism and struggle are universal and perennial. This is a story about sin and its consequences. Contrary to artistic representations of Mary as the Immaculate Conception, it is the woman’s offspring, not the woman herself, who will be in constant conflict with the offspring of the serpent. According to this story, human beings might have to struggle with evil, but they will not be conquered by it.
Paul insists that believers were not chosen because they were holy and blame less, but that they might be holy and blameless. In other words, salvation is the cause of and not the reward for righteousness. We do not earn it, it is given to us. Furthermore, it is through Christ, the only real Son of God, that others can become God’s adopted children. The reading begins and ends with praise of God. Regardless of when believers may be called, they are called to praise God’s glory. Adoption, redemption, and forgiveness of sin are the primary reasons for praising God’s glory.
Reading the account of the promise of the conception of Jesus on the feast of the conception of Mary has led to great confusion. However, the Gospel story is explicitly about Mary, not Jesus. She has been chosen to be the mother of God. As the first reading reminds us, all human beings struggle with sin and its consequences. At issue is not the question of a virgin being a mother, but of a vulnerable human being bearing the Son of God. This feast assures us that Mary was “full of grace,” God’s “favored one.” We were chosen and made holy after Christ’s resurrection; she was chosen and made holy in anticipation of it. God’s plan for the whole world is now being accomplished.