God’s Passionate Love for Us
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Genesis 3:9–15, 20 / Psalm 98:1a / Ephesians 1: 3–6, 11–12 / Luke 1:26–38
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Behold our mothers: Eve, mother of all the living, and Mary, mother of the Lord and of all his disciples. These two women reflect conflicting human urges: to stretch out our hand to seize what promises to make us godlike, or to bow our heads humbly before the living God, offering ourselves in service.
The two narratives are instructive. In Genesis, after their disobedience, Adam and Eve begin a life of finger-pointing and blame, of regret and recrimination, choosing a world where Eden can no longer be entered. In today’s Gospel, after fear and confusion have given way to acceptance and assent to God’s word, Mary goes forth in joy to assist her life-bearing cousin Elizabeth.
In Romans, St. Paul complements these images with those of the old Adam and the new Adam, Christ. God’s will was set aside by the former, but embraced by the latter. While our baptism empowers us to live in Christ, this can be set aside. A choice is before us: to live as autonomous, self-centered children of Adam, or as adopted, obedient children of God in the risen Lord.
Various forces threaten to separate us from yielding to the divine plan that we be holy and blameless in God’s sight, both in our identity as church and as individual disciples of the Lord. But this feast reminds us of the power of God’s grace to transform us, just as it did a frightened young woman into the brave singer of the Magnificat, the God-bearer of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Do you think this feast only speaks about Mary and what was done for her so she could be the mother of Jesus?
- Do you see yourself as being “graced”? Are you “blessed in Christ, with every spiritual blessing in the heavens”?
Responding to the Word
Loving and generous God, you have blessed us from our beginning and destined us to give you praise and glory for all eternity. May we live lives of holiness now and come to the full enjoyment of eternal life. We ask this in the name of Jesus and through the intercession of our Mother Mary.