He Has Risen! Alleluia!

Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of The Lord

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

“This is the day the Lord has made! Alleluia!” the Church sings today. This  is the day that defines who we are as believers. If a belief in the resurrection of  Jesus from the dead is not at the top of your list of essential beliefs, then it is time  to go back to school for a little remedial Christianity. 

From the beginning this belief was what set the followers of Jesus apart from  their fellow Jews. Paul even provides a listing of those, including himself, who  had had an experience of the risen Lord (see 1 Corinthians 15:5–8). He goes on  to make the very clear statement, “If Christ has not been raised, our faith is vain;  you are still in your sins” (v. 17). 

Peter the denier became Peter the bold proclaimer of the risen Lord, first to  the crowds that gathered to hear him on Pentecost, then to the members of the  Sanhedrin, and then in the house of Cornelius the Roman centurion. Tradition  tells us the others also went about preaching and teaching that God had raised  Jesus from the dead. 

In the first three Gospels, angels or men dressed in white give the good news  of Jesus’ resurrection to the women who had come to the tomb. John’s Gospel  presents Mary Magdalene, who believes the body was stolen; Peter, who sees  only an empty tomb and the discarded wrappings; and the beloved disciple.  Only this last disciple “saw and believed.” He is the model of all who see with  the eyes of Easter faith—all who want to.


  • With whom do you identify—Peter, Mary Magdalene, or the beloved  disciple? Why? 
  • Why does Paul say that if Christ has not risen, our faith is in vain? Do  you see the belief in the resurrection of Jesus as being at the heart  of our faith? 

Responding to the Word

All powerful, life-giving Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are not the first to  whom you have sent an angel, we are not the first to see the empty tomb or the  garments neatly folded, and still we say: Alleluia! We believe. Deepen our faith  in the resurrection of your Son, our Lord.

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