Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
I heard a noted theologian quip that we might possibly think of the Holy Spirit as the Cinderella of the Trinity because the Holy Spirit does the work while the Father and the Son get the attention. Everyone laughed—but our readings today highlight the many ways the Holy Spirit enters our lives and gets to work.
Begin with the images of the Spirit found in today’s scripture: a strong, driving wind; hovering tongues of fire; the lavisher of languages; the giver of spiritual gifts; the breath of the risen Lord; the power of forgiveness—and these are only a few of the names given to the Holy Spirit. Turn to the Gospel of John, in which Jesus refers to the Spirit as the Paraclete or Advocate, the Teacher, the Witness.
Find the Sequence for the feast of Pentecost in a worship aid and you will discover even more insights into the role of the Spirit cast in a poetic form: father of the poor, the comforter, sweet refreshment, grateful coolness, healer of wounds, renewer of our strength. And my two favorite lines: “Bend the stubborn heart and will;/Melt the frozen, warm the chill.”
The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring us to life and then to make us life-givers for others. Paul reminds us that all the gifts of the Spirit are given for the common good.
The church was born after this mega-gift was given to a small group of disciples who were disciples of a crucified Galilean. The Spirit is truly the Gift That Keeps On Giving.
- Which name for the Holy Spirit best describes the role the Spirit has played in your life?
- What gift of the Spirit would you ask for, not only for yourself, but for the good of those you love?
Responding to the Word
Come, Holy Spirit; bring peace, mercy, forgiveness, justice, and wisdom to our world and its leaders. Come, Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Come, Holy Spirit; make your home in me that I might bring your light into the world.