Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

The Jewish feast of Pentecost was one of the three major pilgrim festivals of  Israel, hence the presence in Jerusalem of devout Jews from every nation. Since the people who experienced the unusual occurrence understood the bold proclamations of the Spirit-filled disciples, the miracle seems to have been speech in foreign tongues, not ecstatic speech (glossolalia). In other words, there was a miracle in hearing as well as in speaking. This outpouring of the Spirit and the preaching of the gospel to all nations point to the gathering of all peoples into the reign of God. 

To claim that Jesus was Lord was to set up a rivalry between his followers and  the political authorities who were called “Lord.” This claim placed Christians at great risk for their lives. The word was also used in Greek as a substitute for God’s personal name. Therefore, its use implied that Jesus was divine. Paul insists that the spiritual gifts were not given for the self-aggrandizement but for the benefit of the entire community. He then compares the diversity found within the community to the human body. Each part has its own unique function, but all parts work for the good of the whole. 

In John’s account, the Resurrection and bestowal of the Spirit occurred on the same day. Previously, religious meaning was given to the Sabbath. The  Resurrection ushered in a new age, and so importance is now given to the first day of the week. The wish for peace, a common Jewish greeting, was also a prayer for the blessings of the end-times. Jesus uses it here as a declaration of the arrival of that time of fulfillment. The closed doors underscore the mysterious character of  Jesus’ risen body. The wounds in his hands and side show that he is not a figment of their imaginations, or a ghost, but the person they knew. With the bestowal of the Spirit, the disciples are authorized to continue the mission of Jesus. 

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