Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

A song in the musical Scottsboro Boys observes that life is what we do while we’re  waiting to die. And this is how our life passes by. Today’s parable calls for a more  purposeful approach: life calls for investing what God has entrusted to you. 

A “talent” was a year’s wages. Jesus uses this parable to warn his followers that  they are to spend their time wisely while waiting for him to return. They will do  this by investing the treasure God has given them. Jesus was not talking here  about natural talents, though that is a worthy enterprise. But a disciple of Jesus  is to do something with the treasure of the gospel, the good news of the kingdom  of God, the gift of faith in Jesus Christ. 

God expects a return on this investment with us. We are to share the Good  News with others, not keep it to ourselves. The gospel is the greatest treasure  we have been given. We might feel we have only a limited understanding of our  faith, but we are not to bury it in silence. Rather, plant the seed of God’s word in  the minds and hearts of others. 

Our first reading about a “worthy wife” describes a person who invests in living life for others. She is also called the “capable wife” or the wife with a capacity  for wisdom. The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord, honoring God by what  we do in the world. Spend the time wisely while waiting for the Lord to return.


  • How is Jesus like and unlike this master? 
  • What aspects of the gospel do you recognize as a treasure? 
  • How do you invest your understanding of the gospel in life? 

Responding to the Word

We pray for the wisdom to be children of the light, bringing the gospel to others, especially during times when darkness threatens and people act out of fear.  We ask to be ready to welcome Jesus when he comes and asks us to render an  account, so we might enter into his joy.

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