Scripture Study for
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 6:1–2a, 3–8 / Psalm 138:1c / 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 or 15:3–8, 11 / Luke 5:1–11
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
The reading from Isaiah reports a visionary experience the prophet had during a liturgical celebration held in the temple. The God of Israel is depicted as supreme among all other gods, since only the mightiest would be sitting on the heavenly throne. This is a bold idea for a vulnerable nation in the throes of political unrest. The threefold acclamation of praise—Holy! Holy! Holy!—expresses the superlative. There is no god as holy as the God of Israel. It is not by accident that, rather than his eyes or his hands, Isaiah’s lips are cleansed. He will, after all, use them to proclaim the word of the Lord.
The reading from Paul contains one of the earliest creedal statements: Christ died, he was buried, he was raised, and he appeared. Paul adds his own name to the list of those who saw the Lord. He likens himself to an aborted fetus, rejected from a womb and not ready for a normal birth. He turns this characterization into a profession of faith. Though once a persecutor, by the grace of God he now toils harder than all the others. His final statement is telling. It makes no difference who preaches the gospel, so long as others hear it and believe.
Simon and those with him in the boat recognize the divine power at work in and through Jesus. Jesus does not provide these fishermen a remarkable catch merely in order to dispel the frustration they experienced after an unsuccessful night of fishing. The miracle became an acted-out prophecy revealing both Jesus’ own mysterious authority and the ministry to which the disciples are being called. Jesus declares that a turning point in their lives has been reached. The commission states, From now on . . . ! The astonishment of the fishermen turns to commitment. They leave everything—the incredible catch, their business, the stability of their homes, families, and neighborhoods—and they follow him.