Scripture Study for

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Sirach’s instruction on family living provides a glimpse into a way of life that brought happiness in the past. It is meant to encourage similar behavior that will bring the same happiness in the present and the future. Its focus is the respect and obedience that children (both sons and daughters) owe their parents (both mother and father). The final verses exhort the adult son to care for his father in his declining years. The picture portrayed is quite moving. Like all biblical teaching, this instruction on respect and care for one’s parents is intended for the adult child, not a minor. 

The Colossians are told that they are God’s chosen, holy, and beloved people. Therefore, they should act accordingly. All the virtues they are called to live out are relational. Directed toward others, they require unselfish sensitivity. The motivation for such self-sacrifice is the forgiveness that the Christians themselves have received from God. The list continues with an admonition to love, the highest of all virtues. The peace of Christ, which is placed before them, is an inner peace that comes from a right relationship with God and therefore true harmony with others. 

Today’s Gospel reading provides us with the only glimpse we have into the early years of Jesus. While the key element in the passage is the Christological self-declaration of the young Jesus, the context of the account depicts a very religious family unit and an equally submissive son. Although a popular tradition  (found in some religious art) suggests that Jesus was teaching in the temple, the text does not state this. He was merely part of the exchange of ideas. There is no conflict between Jesus’ responsibilities of sonship in his relationship with Joseph and Sonship in his union with God, for he is faithful to both. Approaching adulthood, he assumes a public role; after his striking appearance in the temple, he returns to a life of obedience to his parents. 

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