Jesus’ Last Journeys
Palm Sunday of The Passion of The Lord
Isaiah 50:4–7 / Psalm 22:2a / Philippians 2:6–11 / Luke 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1–49]
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Today’s Gospel before the blessing of the palms presents an exuberant scene. Imagine the large crowd just outside Jerusalem spreading their cloaks on the road, breaking off palm fronds, strewing them about and waving them as Jesus passes by. Hear the people shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David.” As Jesus enters the city, the people there are asking, “Who is this?” The crowd accompany
ing him answers: “This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth of Galilee. This is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” A journey of joy.
But a few days later Jesus took his last journey: a winding walk from the upper room on Thursday night out to the garden to Gethsemane, then to the house of Caiaphas, on to Pilate’s house and courtyard, and, finally, to the hill of Calvary. During this time, he was spat on and struck, stripped, scourged, and crowned with thorns; he was denounced, mocked, and ridiculed. Most likely some of the same crowd that cried out “Hosanna” cried out, “Crucify him!” It ended with his being nailed to a cross, and after three torturous hours, he died. At this journey’s end, there was one final cry from a small group, a centurion and the men with him: “Truly, this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:54).
Allow some time to relive these two journeys. You might hear some things you haven’t noticed before. Perhaps the words of one of the secondary characters or Jesus’ response to a particular situation or his silence before another will speak to you this time.
- What does it mean to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of David, the one who comes in the name of the Lord, the prophet from Galilee, the Son of God?
- As this Lent comes to its end, where have these days taken you? What have you learned? What do you have to say to God?
Responding to the Word
We pray that we will follow Jesus faithfully all the days of our life, recognizing him as the one who continues to come in the name of the Father bringing life. We ask that we may trust in God as Jesus did until we see God face to face.