Scripture Study for

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Elijah’s symbolic act of throwing his cloak over Elisha indicates that Elisha has been invested with the power and authority of Elijah. It also suggests that a new generation of prophets is on the horizon. This account describes the conflict that exists between two fundamental responsibilities: fidelity to the call from God and fidelity to one’s primary family obligations. Elisha has been commissioned by God to be a prophet, and it is up to him to decide whether or not he can make the radical break from the past that this commission requires.  

Paul states that Christ did not free the Galatians from one form of bondage only to have them submit to another. Habits of mind and heart, addictions of all kinds, retain their hold even after they are renounced. Freedom itself is a frightening thing, but it requires the willing renunciation of whatever might enslave them. Paul also insists that the freedom to which the Galatians have been called is not an invitation to license. Though no longer under the bondage of the law,  the Galatians are not free to live lawless lives. They are expected to “love your neighbor as yourself” (cf. Leviticus 19:18).  

Some people of Samaria remained in Israel during the Exile and intermarried with neighboring foreigners. Because of this, the returning Jews considered them ritually unclean and kept them from helping with rebuilding the temple.  The Samaritans then built their own temple on Mt. Gerizim, and they refused hospitality to Jews who traveled through Samaria on the way to worship in  Jerusalem. Jesus encountered three prospective followers along the way. The first one enthusiastically offers commitment; the other two wish to postpone joining  Jesus until they have put their immediate affairs in order. Jesus emphasizes the demands that discipleship will exact. His followers must be willing to relinquish all. While followers should be enthusiastic in their dedication, they should also be prepared to pay the price of wholehearted commitment. 

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