Lent and Beginning Anew

First Sunday of Lent

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

A snapshot differs from a TV show or movie, which moves along, demanding  that we keep up with the storyline. A snapshot allows us to focus on details, to  take as much time as we want. Snapshots allow us to pause, ponder, and meditate. There is no need to rush on to what comes next. 

Mark’s Gospel opens with a series of snapshots of Jesus, whom Mark proclaims  from the start as “Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (1:1). First, he offers a picture of  Jesus’ baptism when God’s voice proclaims, “You are my beloved Son; with you  I am well pleased” (1:11). Then, the two pictures presented today: Jesus driven  into the desert for forty days to be tested by Satan, and Jesus beginning a new  ministry of preaching the gospel. 

These snapshots begin the work of drawing us into the mystery of the one proclaimed as the Promised One long awaited, but even more, the one who is the  Son of God. In him God’s reign comes to us. 

Lent is a time for deciding where our loyalty lies in life. To whom or what do we  give our allegiance? At the end of the forty days we renew our baptismal promises. We will be called to profess our faith in God who created us and our world  out of love, in the Son who died for us and was raised to new life, and in the Spirit  who now drives us to confront the power of evil in our world. 


  • How can this Lent be a time to begin anew? What concrete steps can  you take to stop and ponder the shape of your life? 
  • How does identifying yourself as being a beloved son or daughter of  God influence your daily decisions? 

Responding to the Word

Loving God, you have spoken to us at our baptism, calling us beloved children,  sending your Spirit upon us, making us heirs of the kingdom of God. Help us to  be open to your Spirit this Lent and where it leads. Make us content to rest in stillness and hear your voice.

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