Scripture Study for
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 7:55–60 / Psalm 97:1a, 9a / Revelation 22: 12–14, 16–17, 20 / John 17:20–26
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
If the members of the Sanhedrin had believed what Stephen was alleging, they would have had to conclude that Jesus’ claims about himself had been true, and that they had wrongfully put him to death. Instead, they closed their hearts, covered their ears, and sentenced Stephen to stoning. No reason is given for the presence of the young Saul (Paul). Was he a member of a local synagogue? Was he merely a spectator? Whatever the reason, here Stephen, not Paul, is the hero, the one who successfully patterns his life and death after that of his Master.
In the reading from Revelation, the risen Jesus announces that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. These are all polar pairs, which indicate that he encompasses everything. He also identifies himself with two messianic titles: the root or branch of David, and the bright morning star, which announces the new day. Though he announces that he will judge everyone not merely according to their faith but according to their deeds, his attention is focused on those who have been faithful. This reading suggests that the Lord’s coming is something to look forward to with joy.
Jesus prays for the unity of all believers, a unity that does not merely resemble the unity that exists between Jesus and his Father, but actually participates in it. Furthermore, joined to Jesus, believers share in the glory of Jesus that was manifested through his death, resurrection, and exaltation. Believers are to manifest this divine union to the world so that the world will see not only that God sent Jesus, but also that God loves believers with the same love with which Jesus is loved. Having made God’s name known to believers, Jesus asks that these believers might be with him. If the love with which God loves Jesus resides in those who believe in him, Jesus himself will abide in them.