Listening for God
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Samuel 3:3b–10, 19 / Psalm 40:8a, 9a / 1 Corinthians 6:13c–15a, 17–20 / John 1:35–42
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
The story of the future prophet Samuel begins by telling us that the voice of the Lord was rarely heard and visions were uncommon. God seemed to have broken off communication, given Israel’s spotty record of keeping the Lord’s com mandments. Or perhaps no one was giving attention to God’s voice? One night when Eli the priest and young Samuel were sleeping in the temple, God called Samuel by name. Three times God called, and each time Samuel went in to where Eli was sleeping to see what he wanted. Finally, Eli realized it was the Lord and told Samuel what to say.
When Jesus came to the Jordan to be baptized, John the Baptist pointed him out to those who would be his first disciples. They “heard what he said and fol lowed Jesus.” One of them, Andrew, then went and got his brother Peter. Peter listened and followed his brother to meet Jesus.
Sometimes God speaks in the silence of the night, sometimes in the bustle of everyday life. I loved the TV series Joan of Arcadia, in which God would show up in various guises—a street performer, an eccentric elderly lady, a child. Scripture reminds us to keep on our toes, lest God walk on by. Even a first recognition of Jesus did not totally reveal all that he was. The disciples called him Rabbi and Messiah, but only John the Baptist knew him for the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.
- In a popular hymn we sing that we have heard God calling in the night. Have you heard God calling lately—night or day?
- Has your response to God’s call been more like Samuel’s or Andrew’s, needing some assistance, or immediate?
Responding to the Word
God who has spoken in times past, help us individually and as a community to listen for your voice in our day. Send us mentors and friends who will help us to know it is your voice, and give us the courage to respond to your call. Amen.