Making a Difference

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

A preschooler reaches up and beams, “I love you, Mommy.” A  young father stops the homilist and says, “Your preaching has helped  me to trust God more.” A cashier looks at the hospital chaplain with  tears in her eyes and murmurs, “Thank you for your kind words on  the day that my husband died.” 

There are few things so rewarding as making a difference in  someone’s life. To touch people’s lives warms the giver’s heart. The  elation of helping others is very real. 

Today, Jesus sends the apostles out two by two. Imagine the  excitement to be given the authority to do the “mighty deeds” of the  Teacher! The delight at seeing demons fall, the euphoria of healing  the sick, and the conversion of the broken-hearted—can you picture  it? That had to be exhilarating. 

The prophet Amos was sent from taking care of his sheep to  prophesy to the people of Israel. To be on a mission is motivating.  Fire burns within and propels us forward: “Come on! Let’s go!” 

Those moments of elation keep us giving. The satisfaction of  helping others keeps us going. Yet Jesus provided the Twelve with  nothing for the journey. They were not permitted to be self-sufficient.  They had to work in solidarity with one another. Why? Perhaps  Jesus knew the temptations to grow proud and to get puffed up, to  feel heroic. The human emotion of being on a mission is just part of  the story. God is the Hero of heroes. St. Paul says that we are chosen  for a purpose, God’s purpose. We serve for the praise of God’s glory. 

It is the living God who wants to be at work through us. That is  the supreme cause for rejoicing. Imagine that joy! 


  • Over and over again, we are free to choose whether to serve others or  serve ourselves, whether to give glory to God or to ourselves, whether to  follow God’s purpose or our own. Within one lifetime, those daily choices  form who we are and what we become. What would you like to do today? 
  • Tell stories of grace. How has someone warmed your life? Whose mission  has gladdened the way you see the world? How has God been at work  through others to hearten and heal and encourage you?

Living and Praying with the Word 

Holy Spirit, you have poured love into our hearts. You are  the strength and the power beneath our acts of kindness and  compassion. We do nothing without your grace. Jesus, you look  upon our bravery; you look upon our meager efforts to serve you;  you look upon our “mighty deeds,” and you smile a thousand smiles.  For you love us. You know that it is serving others that makes life  worth living. Heavenly Father, you have created us that way, and so  you give us those opportunities to make a difference for each other.  Thank you, Holy Trinity, for your grace. Thank you for your mercy.  Thank you for your kindness.

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