Scripture Study for
Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Revelation 11: 19a; 12:1–6a, 10ab / Psalm 45:10bc / 1 Corinthians 15:20–27 / Luke 1:39–56
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
Two signs appear in the heavens, a pregnant woman and the cosmic dragon. She is no ordinary woman. Rather she is depicted as an astral being, superior even to the moon. The twelve stars symbolize the signs of the zodiac, the seven-headed dragon a cosmic monster. Her child is described in royal terms. He is destined to shepherd all of the nations and to rule with a rod of iron, an image of harsh punishment. He is rescued from the threat of the dragon and caught up to the throne of God. His mother is also protected by God, but she flees into the wilderness. The reading from Paul brings together several of his most treasured themes. Christ is identified as the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. His resurrection contains the promise of resurrection for all who are joined to him. Paul argues that through sin Adam brought death into the world. In a similar manner, joined in faith to Christ, we are all brought to life. Paul seems to suggest that there is an interval between the end of the world and the final end when Christ will hand the fruits of his victory over to God.
Mary greets Elizabeth with a customary salutation, but it causes the child in Elizabeth’s womb to leap with joy. It is as if Mary is the ark and the child within her is the glory of God. In response to this wondrous experience, Elizabeth exalts first Mary and then her child. Mary’s hymn of praise has strong parallels in the victory hymns of Miriam (Exodus 15:1–18), Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1–10), and Judith (Judith 16:1–17). While the first section of the prayer describes the great things that God did for Mary, the last verses list some of the past blessings enjoyed by Israel. Mary’s hymn of praise suggests that the marvels accomplished in her are a final example of God’s mercy. The salvation of God’s people has finally come.