Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

If you surveyed the people in Henry Ford’s day about what they  hoped for in transportation, they would have said, “Breed a faster  horse.” If you surveyed the Jews before the time of Jesus about what  they wanted in a Messiah, they would have said, “A powerful king  to drive out the Romans.” 

Yet the future doesn’t always arise directly from the paths of the  past. The Ruler of the universe seems to delight in making sudden  turns, knocking human expectations sideways. The shepherd boy  David is the smallest among his tall and handsome brothers, yet he is  the one whose house is to last forever. An obscure girl in the hillbilly  region of Galilee says yes to God, and a baby as tiny as a pinhead  grows in her womb as the Savior of the world. How can this be? 

The angel Gabriel says, “Nothing will be impossible for God.”  Hear that again: Nothing will be impossible for God. Nothing. What if you and I gave our total yes to that statement? What  if that conviction sank into our core? “Nothing is impossible for  God!” There would be no region of our existence that the grace  of Christ could not redeem. We would not limp through life with  limited expectations. We would never stop seeking for the surprises  of the Spirit. If nothing were impossible for God, we would never  give up! We would not lose hope in people or institutions. We would  never give up on ourselves or our circumstances. Even when things  got hard, we would not quit. We would march forth with courage,  believing that nothing is impossible for God. 

As Christmas preparations intensify, can we do that? Holy  Spirit, make sure our conviction that nothing, nothing, nothing is  impossible for God!


  • Is there someone whom you feel like giving up on? Circumstances that  cause you to feel despair? What institutions feel hopeless? If nothing is  impossible for God, how might you flip that perception around to see it in  a new way? 
  • When has the Spirit done the unexpected in the history of your life? What  difference did that make? Share that story of God’s unexpected grace with  someone this Christmas. 

Living and Praying with the Word 

Holy Spirit, you are the source of courage. The early Christians  trained for martyrdom by repeating, “Nothing is impossible for  God!” In these few days left before Christmas, strengthen us for all  that we have to do, holding fast to that belief in the miraculous. The  Son is coming. All will be well. Glory to God in the Highest!

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