Scripture Study for

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

According to Isaiah, the vindication that is in store for Jerusalem is more than a restoration. The city is promised a new name, and this implies a new creation.  One of the best ways of portraying God’s passionate love and the depths of the intimacy that God desires is with marriage imagery. Within the context of such  intimacy, the consequence of betrayal of God’s love is characterized as “forsaken”  or “barren.” The people who were once forsaken are now the delight of the Lord;  the land that once was barren is now newly espoused.

Paul launches into a discourse on the varieties of functions within the Christian community. He speaks of gifts, ministries, and works. “Gifts” here refers to operations of the Spirit, notably speaking in tongues and prophesying, gifts that were usually operative during worship. Ministry was service within the community.  Works were feats of great energy or divine power. Since all of these gifts or ministries or works were manifestations of the Spirit, no one was to be considered superior to another. Further, they were not given for the self-aggrandizement of the one who received them. All were given for the benefit of the entire community.

According to John, Jesus’ hour is the time when he will be manifested in all his glory. The culmination of this hour will take place when he is lifted up on the cross. However, throughout his ministry there will be times when aspects of this glory will be manifested. The miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana is one such time. The miracles of Jesus were never mere exhibitions of supernatural power. They were always revelations of the inbreaking of the reign of God. Evidently the hour of his glorification had arrived. In this first sign, Jesus transformed a Jewish ceremonial into a celebration for the end of time. His glory was manifested to his disciples and they believed in him. The establishment of the reign of God had begun.

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