Scripture Study for
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 30:10–14 / Psalm 69:33 or 19:9a / Colossians 1:15–20 / Luke 10:25–37
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
Moses instructs the people about the law’s importance and its accessibility. To those who may say that the law is too difficult to understand or too lofty to observe, Moses replies: No! It is neither mysterious nor remote. Even a cursory examination will show that while it is indeed the word of God, it comes to us through human experience. In other words, the law of God is as close to us as is our own human life. This is a bold claim because it identifies human experience as the place where the word of God is to be found.
The exalted description of Christ in the second reading extols the divine character and activity of Christ rather than his human nature and earthly existence. Paul characterizes Christ as the image of God, firstborn, the beginning, the head of the church. Each image adds a significant dimension to our understanding of Christ. Christ occupies the place of preeminence over the rest of creation, a preeminence that makes creation dependent upon him. Using the metaphor of body, Paul depicts both the union that exists between Christ and the church and the preeminence that is Christ’s as head of that body. Finally, Christ is seen as the agent of reconciliation.
A lawyer challenges Jesus’ knowledge of the law. Jesus shows that he knows and conforms to that law, and then he turns the lawyer’s challenge back on him by asking him to answer his own questions. The lawyer quotes the two passages from scripture that encompass all of one’s responsibilities. Jesus responds with a parable in which he changes the question from “Who is my neighbor?” to “What does it mean to be a neighbor?” The lawyer had asked about required works and is instructed about heartfelt love. The admonition is striking: Go and do likewise! Put aside racial or religious prejudices in order to meet the needs of others! Put aside all other responsibilities in order to love the other!