Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means to learn from him. He is the teacher, we  the students; he is the master, we his servants. But what is it we are to learn? One important title for Jesus is the Lamb of God who has come to serve by taking away  our sin. He serves by leading us to participate in the holiness of God. We are to  do the same for others. 

Jesus came to understand his own calling by reading and praying the book  of the prophet Isaiah, especially the four poems found there called the Servant  Songs. Today we hear part of the second song in which the servant professes how  he was formed as servant from the womb, not only to bring back Israel to God,  but to be a light to the nations, so God’s “salvation may reach to the ends of the  earth” (Isaiah 49:6). 

Those who serve Jesus as disciples are to join in this work of bringing God’s salvation to the world. Paul recognizes this in his greeting to the Corinthians, noting his call to be an apostle of Christ, one sent by God to the church at Corinth,  which has been made holy in Christ and called to be holy. Paul is sent not only to them, but to “all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”  (1 Corinthians 1:2).

God’s will is our holiness. By responding to the call to know Jesus as the Lamb of God, we accept the invitation to participate in this holiness and become the vehicle for inviting others to dwell there. 


  • Do you believe that you are called to holiness? What does this mean? How do you respond to this call? 
  • Does your call to be a disciple lead you to pray for the world to grow in holiness? 

Responding to the Word

When at Mass, we call on Jesus several times as the Lamb of God—at the  beginning in the Gloria and twice in preparation for Communion. Pray for our  world this day to recognize Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of  the world.

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