Our Yes! to God.
The Most Holy Trinity
Deuteronomy 4:32–34, 39–40 / Psalm 33:12b / Romans 8:14–17 / Matthew 28:16–20
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
I am remembering a Sunday morning at Mass, as we stood to sing before the reading of the Gospel. In the pew behind me, a little blond boy sang “Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!” in his four-year-old voice at the top of his lungs. Exuberantly! Loudly! Innocently, with joy in his heart.
Do you think that the angels and saints in heaven sing like that little guy? Exuberantly, loudly, innocently, with joy in their hearts? Can you hear them? “Alleluia!” to the Holy of Holies. “Alleluia!” to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. “Alleluia!” to the One-in-Three.
What about us adults? On Trinity Sunday, we use metaphors of clovers and candles to wrap our minds around the concept of One in-Three. We strain to understand God. We un-grand the grandeur of the “Great I Am” so that we “get it.” But we don’t “get it.” It is as though we try to capture the radiance of the sun and cup it in our hands.
Concepts are important. At the same time, the Intimate One glows and whispers within us, “I am more than ideas. Go deeper. Dwell in me.” The Big God of the Universe bursts into our grown-up rationalizations and shouts, “I am more. Go bigger. Dwell in me.” The grandeur of the living God permeates all that is.
Those loud and innocent “Alleluias!” can be ours as well. We are not to live a listless Christian life that limps along only on ideas. We can recapture the exuberance of faith, that innocence of being four years old and loving God! The Father-Son-and-Holy-Spirit is real. The power of the Trinity is real. The God of the Universe is with us, always faithful, never departing: “I am with you always.” That is Good News! Sing Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
- The Holy Trinity, one God, is Mystery beyond Mystery. In biblical parlance, God is the Father under whose wings we take refuge; God is the Son who has redeemed us from the muck; God is the Spirit who surrounds us and warms us and upholds us and empowers us. How have each of the members of the Holy Trinity made an impact on your life?
- If we say yes to the power of the Trinity, what kind of power does God want to give us? Are we looking for the “lord-it-over-others” power that squashes others and pushes its way around? Does power mean this world’s muscling that hurts those who are small? With others of good faith, we shout no to that. How can we more fully give God a roaring Yes! to the Trinitarian power that raises up the lowly, sets captives free, and loosens the bonds of the oppressed?
Living and Praying with the Word
Jesus, you said that “all power on heaven and earth” has been given to you. I am small. I need your power. Help me to give a mighty Yes! to the strength of the Holy Spirit. Well up within me to love when I do not feel like loving. Strengthen me to give when I do not feel like giving. Empower me to make a difference in this world, a difference that matters to you. Holy Trinity, One God, flood me with the very fullness of you.