Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

The court scene depicted in the first reading describes apostles who are courageous witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus and heralds of this wondrous event to the world. They have been so successful that the high priest is concerned that the temper of the people may have changed and the ruling body might be blamed for Jesus’ death. Peter then launches into a sermon consisting of the fundamental apostolic proclamation. God has reversed the plans of those who put Jesus to death, raising him from the dead and exalting him in a place of honor at  God’s own right hand. 

The vision that John describes reveals the heavenly throne room, where angels,  living creatures, and elders surround the throne of God. The living creatures are reminiscent of the figures that stood guard at the entrance of temples. Twenty-four elders join the four living creatures and the angels in praise. Although the focus is the investiture of the Lamb, the message behind the vision is more specifically theological than Christological. God, not the Lamb, is seated on the throne. Worship of and devotion to Christ must be understood in terms of his relationship with God. To this all cry out, Amen! 

Even Jesus’ intimate companions did not recognize the risen Lord. Here recognition comes through his actions, not through his words. Only after the disciples pulled in the multitude of fish did they know it was he. Jesus’ exchange with Peter has many links with Peter’s earlier denial of him. Sobered by that denial, Peter does not now declare that he is capable of being more faithful than the others.  Three times Peter denied; three times he is called upon to declare his love. When he does, he is commissioned to assume the role of shepherd in the place of  Jesus. He is now a shepherd who can show compassion to those who have failed.  As shepherd, he will suffer a fate similar to that which Jesus suffered. 

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