Recognizing the Lord
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:13–15, 17–19 / Psalm 4:7a /1 John 2:1–5a / Luke 24:35–48
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Recognizing Jesus as the risen Lord seems to have been something of a problem. Mary Magdalene didn’t; she thought he was the gardener. The disciples on the road to Emmaus didn’t; they took him for a stranger who had heard nothing about the recent events in Jerusalem. And even in today’s Gospel, the apostles thought he was a ghost.
It is instructive to note how Jesus reveals himself in each case. To Mary Magdalene, he simply says her name, “Mary.” The two disciples on the road get an instruction on how all these recent events in Jerusalem fulfill the scriptures. And today the apostles are shown his hands and feet, watch him eat, and again, have their minds opened to the meaning of the scriptures. In all cases, Jesus’ words play an important role.
How we come to know the risen Lord runs along the same lines. We come to know him through the word of God. He calls us to be disciples, to be friends, to be children of the Father through the scriptures. We come to the table of the Lord each week, where our minds and hearts can be opened.
We recognize him in the breaking of the bread, both the bread of the Eucharist and the bread of God’s word. Some preparation on our part can be helpful. By spending some time with the coming Sunday’s readings during the week, we are more likely to have God’s word penetrate our hearts when we gather to listen together to the scriptures and the preaching.
- Have you had any experience of knowing the presence of Christ and hearing his voice in the readings and preaching at Sunday Eucharist?
- Do you appreciate the Sunday Eucharist as a time when the community continues to experience the presence of the risen Lord?
Responding to the Word
Risen Lord Jesus, by our baptism we began to live with your life and received the gifts of faith, hope, and love. We know you have come to draw us into the life and love of the Trinity. Increase our ability to hear your voice and know you through the scriptures.