Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Marge Piercy’s poem “The Tao of Touch” reminds us of the power of touch. A  person can die either without touch or because of touch. There is the touch of love that brings healing and joy, and those blows that shatter bones and relationships. Today’s Gospel recalls how God’s touch transformed the lives of two women—and the world. 

I have a carved wooden statue of Mary gently resting her two hands along Elizabeth’s belly as their two foreheads touch. You can imagine tears, laughter,  and words springing from pure joy. Elizabeth must have gasped as the life in her womb exuberantly kicked up his heels in greeting. 

Not only her body but her words of blessing gave witness to creation’s joy:  “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,” Elizabeth cried. “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken by the Lord would be fulfilled,” she sang. Scripture says the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth, that Spirit whose gifts include joy, wisdom, and peace, that Spirit who had brought into being the child now growing in her cousin’s womb. 

Advent’s fourth Sunday always takes us into the company of Jesus’ kin, putting the spotlight either on Mary, Joseph, or Elizabeth. We enter the stories surrounding the birth of Jesus, God’s Son, who came into the lives of ordinary people and transformed them, making them part of God’s plan for the salvation of the world.  This loving plan continues to be worked out in and through us. 


  • How do you imagine this meeting between Mary and Elizabeth? 
  • What helps you to enter the joy Luke presents in this short scene?
  • How can this moment help you to enter the joy appropriate to Christmas? 

Responding to the Word

Beloved God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, help us in these final hours of  Advent to set aside anything that prevents us from entering into the joy befitting the birth of your Son. Send us that same Spirit that came upon Elizabeth, filling her heart and soul with such great joy.

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